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Another week gone, but this week we achived more. This week Ukrainians hub @Lighthouse was very busy. 135+ people came through the door.

We started Art therapy classes for Ukrainian kids and this Tuesday we cooked our first community lunch in Ukrainian hub @Lighthouse for Ukrainians and sponsors.

Delicious lunch (borsch and varenyky) has been prepared by Ukrainians volunteers, who arrived to Woking last month.

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UKRAINIAN HUB @Lighthouse, every Tuesday

10.30am - 2.30pm: We provide the following free services:

  • Coffee and teas on request

  • Vodafone sim cards available (ID needed - passport)

  • Free hair cut. Life queue. First come, first serve basis.

  • Style studio clothing.

  • Teenagers club.

  • Jigsaw hub, play for under 11.

11.00am -11.30am: Art therapy for kids with Maiia

11.30am- 12.30am: First Steps in UK, citizent advice talks

FIRST TIME 12.30pm- 2.00pm UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY LUNCH: Borshch and Varenyku, will be cooked and served by Ukrainian volunteers

1.00pm -2.30pm Mindfulness & Wellness group, lead by Iryna

1.15pm - 2.15pm Ukrainian choir with Caroline.

1.15pm -2.15 pm English Lesson (Beginners) with Tanya

Address: Lighthouse, 8-10 High St, Woking GU21 6BG

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We have been advised that Stagecoach applications by a form for the free bus passes will be changed and move to a different application process. Our understanding is that this will be from next week but are waiting further information. PROCEDURE should be quicker and simpler. As usual, we will let you know as soon as we have clarification.


Нас повідомили, що заявки на Stagecoach за допомогою форми на безкоштовні проїздні на автобус будуть змінені, на інший процес подачі заявок. Ми розуміємо, що це відбудеться наступного тижня, але чекаємо додаткової інформації. ЦЯ НОВА ОНЛАЙН-ПРОЦЕДУРА стане доступною, оскільки вона, ймовірно, буде швидшою та простішою.

Як завжди, ми повідомимо вам, щойно у нас буде роз’яснення.

Stagecoach BUS COMPANY offers FREE travel for Ukrainian refugees arriving in the county as part of the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme. Free bus pass travel will be available within the wider Surrey, Hampshire, West Sussex on Stagecoach buses, from now to 31 August 2022.

Stagecoach BUS COMPANY operates locally the following routes:

  • Routes 34 and 35 – from Guildford to Camberley Station, through Westfield, Kingfield Green, Mayford, Woking town centre, St John’s, Knaphill, Bisley and West End.

  • Route 91, one of the most popular services in the borough and used by commuters and shoppers, runs from Woking Station through Goldsworth Park and Knaphill to the Sainsbury’s superstore at Brookwood.

  • Route 47, from Gordon’s School at West End to Brookwood Station, which is weekdays only.

Ukrainians need to submit an application form to Stagecoach by a post or an email.

Please request an application form from us by emailing:

For all Ukrainians based Guildford, please email GUkraine and they will send you update.

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